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Release Notes v6.80

Release notes v6.80 New/Revisions

We make it easy for uniform retailers and distributors to start, manage and grow thriving businesses! As we continue to partner with you, we are consistently pursuing new ways to support these efforts. Here are the exciting changes and updates that we’ve included with The Uniform Solution v6.80:

  1. We have improved how The Uniform Solution handles vStock service failures from vendors. Previously, when vendor vStock service failed, a program restart was needed. Now, when vendor vStock service fails and becomes unresponsive to requests from The Uniform Solution, the program will automatically begin pulling data again once it is available from the vendor, eliminating the need for a manual restart. This improvement will reduce downtime and work needed from the user. A program restart is no longer necessary when vStock service failures occur.

vStock No Contact. If the vStock service failed for a vendor, it required restarting the program to begin receiving information after the vendor’s web service was restored. This is now fixed. DDS-2117.  

  1. We have implemented a new defense for WebStore Carding Attacks. Carding Attacks are credit card thieves trying to discover credit card credentials by attempting multiple re-tries until they guess the right ones. Now, we are temporarily blocking IP addresses successive failed attempts to load the credit card form.

A blocked IP may need to be cleared if a merchant’s customer has added invalid credit card numbers multiple times, but the merchant has confirmed that this is not a fraud attempt. If you have questions about a blocked IP or other features in The Uniform Solution, please contact The Uniform Solution Support Team.  

The new defense tracks the number of times the credit card form is “loaded” (ie: not attempted) before a success occurs. If the credit card form is loaded 5 times without a success, the IP is blocked for 4 hours. If the credit card form is loaded 10 times without a success the IP is blocked for 48 hours.  

  1. We’ve added another way for you to communicate clearly with your customers that are shopping in your WebStore.  You can now customize Special Page messages in the WebStore by adding a Special Pages section to your Webstore. While there are many options, here are examples of messages that can be set:
  • Maintenance=We are currently running a maintenance operation and will be back shortly.  
  • GoHome=Visit Our Store  

Contact The Uniform Solution Support team to connect with a WebStore expert, if you would like to customize the Special Page Messages or continue your WebStore Training. 

  1. We’ve made improvements to the API’s that can be used for third party eCommerce Integrations. Previously, the API Integration did not include a reference number for orders created within The Uniform Solution. Once an order ID is sent through the API to The Uniform Solution, an order is created that now includes a reference number to pass back through the API. This reference number creates more clarity in daily operations.

Web Server Order API. The Order API now returns the invoice number that was created in the field “referenceNumber”.  

  1. We have improved the UniformPay Manual Entry Form Process.  Use of the manual payment entry form could, under certain conditions, result in intermittent system issues.  We have now upgraded the underlying service used for manual payments to improve reliable performance.  The new service is AWS (Amazon Web Services) Amplify. AWS Amplify is a highly secure back-end host for web applications.




Updated on June 7, 2024

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