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Release Notes: Version 6.70 2023

v6.70 New/Revisions

1. WebStore Reward Points. WebStore orders now add rewards points on orders saved as a “Sale”.
WebStore Orders saved as an order continue to add Reward points on Delivery like before.

2. UniformPay Manual Entry. UniformPay manual entry now has the option to select the Country of origin for a credit card.This will enable foreign credit cards to be manually entered if needed.

3. MS SQL Express Installer. MS SQL Express 2022 is now installed when a SQL DB is needed for The Uniform Solution and the PC or Server is running Windows 10 and above. You can install 2016 SQL Server Express by downloading and running USWSQL2016Express.exe. USWSQLExpress.exe can be downloaded and will install the 2022 MS SQL Express if possible.

4. TUSe Order Import Sales Tax. When the WebStore Config is set to use Tax Rules, Imported Orders
should assign matching the Alternate TaxRates based on the tax rules.

5. Sales Entry Sales Tax Selection. With Tax Rules Active in System Settings > Professional Tab, a user selected Store
or Alternate Tax Rate was not being saved. Fixed now.

6. Transactional Email. Transactional Emails are used to send POS receipts and WebStore emails. We have moved our Service provider from Dyn to AWS.

7. WebStore Coupons. Made the following improvements to WebStore Coupons
applied by the WebStore (1) Printing. Items Delivered from a Special
Order now retain and print the coupon and amount on the “Sale”. Items
on an Order or a Sale with a coupon print the “Return Value”. This was
only present previously when the Rewards Program was active. “You Saved”
displays correctly by including discounts and the coupon. (2) Sales
Entry. The “Net” price/each column is now displayed when a coupon is
applied to a line item – if the monitor is large enough. Items with
coupons cannot be edited, but can be deleted, to ensure all item totals
remain accurate. (3) General. Delivering a partial quantity from an
Order did not calculate the coupon amount properly on the item for the
original Order or the Sale. Editing a Special Order with a coupon and
selecting “Refresh Retail Pricing” from the “Item” button will fix the
totaling in some cases.

8. Google Analytics 4. Support for GA4 has been added to the WebStore.
You will need to login into your Google Analytics account and create new credentials
for GA4. To add your new credentials to the WebStore, select Setup > WebStore
> Edit Configuration Form > Search Engine Tab. Enter your new Tracking ID and
Verification Value and set the Google Analytics version to “Google Analytics 4”.

9. Improved UniformPay Manual Entry Form. Launching the UniformPay Manual
entry form now uses AWS to streamline this action. Users should notice
no difference in manual credit card entry, but behind the scenes we
have made this process simpler and more dependable.

10. TUSe Orders. The following items were fixed: (1) editing the shipping
method no longer reapplies the tax rate using tax rules (2) delivering
a special order no longer reapplies the tax rules to the original order
(3) the Ship To address no longer incorrectly includes the phone number.

11. WebStore Sessions. Improved session cleanup to remove sessions created
by “bots” after 5 minutes to reduce Web Server memory usage.

12. KindThreads vStock. The KindThreads vStock reporting system requires
a newer version to work after June 30th.

13. Web Server Refresh. The WebStore Refresh option on the Home > Web Store
menu did not enforce security requirements. Fixed now.

14. Web Server. Fixed an issue with the Contract Order Store requiring a Shop Store selection. DDS-1384.Made several improvements to boost Web Server performance by off-loading duties to TinySSL. Began implementation of multiple Web Server support. DDS-1607.

15. Kindthread. Kindthread is now offering the CRFT product line from White Cross to be shipped from the Kindthread US.To support this for US based retailers, the Catalog Utility has been enhanced to move items from WCS to LAN Vendor codes in the Inventory List. All US based retailers should download the latest LAN and WCS Kindthread Catalogs and select “F2-Copy/Sync” to move the WCS items to LAN vendor codes when prompted. Selecting to EDI an order to WCS Kindthread CA with any CRFT styles, warns the user they need to download the latest LAN and WCS Kindthread Catalogs and update their inventory. DDS-1618.

16. Kindthread Canada (WCS) vStock. The Kindthread CA vStock service for White Cross has been updated and requires this new version.

17. WebStore Carding Attack. Added the ability to deactivate carding attack detection and Shopper black listing by the Web Server. This was needed when an AWS Loadbalancer sits in front of the Web Server until the users actual IP can be tracked by the Web Server. Adding [startup] CardingAttackOff=1 to the WebStoreWS.INI file turns this off. DDS-1517.

18. TUSe Order Imports for Preferred Groups. Preferred Groups can now pass an Billing ID during the order import process. These orders will be save to the Billed Account and the Shopper as the sub-account.

19. Account Statements and Summary Invoice Changes. Both Account Statements and the Summary Invoice can be sorted by the Invoice PO#.
Just select the Sort Option to “Sort by P.O. number, invoice date”. DDS-1632.

20.Account Statements. Account Statements can be run without printing the 30,60,90 Aging in the Footer. Just select the new Footer option “Total due” if desired. The Account Statement “Title” printed at the top of the report can be replaced with a new title of your choice like “Invoice”. Use these settings to replace the Account Statement title:

If you also enter Append=Value, the title will include the date in YYYYMMMDD format plus the “Append” value. The example above will print “Invoice YYYYMMMDDxxx”. DDS-1633

21. Get Help on Home Menu. The Home tab has a new option named “Get Help” on the right. This option makes it easy to request a call from our Support Team, and is part of our effort to improve our Support by simplifying how you find or request help.  There are 4 options you can choose from the Get Help section:
(1) Support Central takes you to our Support website, (2) Knowledge Base helps you find articles that can answer your needs, (3) Tutorials are videos that provide training on key parts of the program, and (4) Open a Support Ticket displays a form to make a support request followed up by a call or email (your preference) from out Support Team

22. WebStore Bad URL. Some URL’s that were invalid or malformed could
cause the Web Server to use excessive memory, slow down for a long period
of time, or crash trying to load a page.

23. Topaz Signature Capture. If a Topaz device was selected but there was no
device, loading the UniformPay manual form could cause the program
to GPF. Fixed DDS-1644

24. Catalog Updates. (1) Fechheimer is now providing images for their products.
(2) Kindthread has updated brand images, and more images for Chefwear and
White Cross products are also available.

25. WebStore Session Timeout. The session timeout was set lower than ideal. This
has been fixed.

26. PCI Scans. A PCI scan would fail due to cross-site attacks after a change
to support an AWS LoadBalancer. This has been fixed, but requires the
primary Web Server running behind a LoadBalancer on AWS to start with
the parameter server=1.

27. Web Server Cross Site Attacks. NetTalk cross-site attack prevention has
been enabled for all single Web Servers, but remains disabled when a
Web Server runs as a Slave or secondary Web Server.

28. Email Validation. Email Validation has been enhanced to detect non-visible
characters that often come from copy/paste activities. When detected on
Form entry, the invalid characters are removed.

29. TUSe/API Order Imports. The shipping method now saves te shipping method
as the Carrier ID if one exists.

30. WebStore Monitor. The Errors and Logs section now displays the Restart
Monitor logs.

Updated on June 6, 2024

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