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Release Notes: Version 5.80 N2 – 2015

5.80 N2 Revisions

February 2015

  1. Detailed Item Sales. Can be now be limited to items sold from a special order by selecting this new option for the report.
  2. Physical Inventory Updating Inventory. This process could fail if you deleted an item from Inventory after scanning it into Physical Inventory. Fixed now. The process has also been optimized for SQL and runs much, much faster.
  3. SQL Server Lost Connections/GPF. When the program lost connection to SQL Server due to any kind of disruption, the program would often GPF. Although a lost connection will require the program to close down, the program reports an error message that tells the user the connection to SQL Server was lost and the program terminates without a GPF in most cases.
Updated on December 1, 2017

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